The Only Registered Computer Professional Training Centre in Uchhali
(District Khushab - PAKISTAN)

Certificates & Diplomas
Umar Computers offers 03 Months' Basic Computer Operating Course, 06 Months' Diploma in Office Management, 08 Months' Diploma in Information Technology & One Years' Diploma in Computers Science.

The Coordinator has 20 years of experience of coaching computer professional classes. He has also achieved a lot of awards about his performance.

Boys & Girls Seperate Campuses
Umar Computers in the only Computer Training Centre in the region which has established seperate campuses for boys & girls.
Message by the Coordinator
Computer Literacy is a skill that has become vital to attain the desired goals in life. It has boosted creativity and lifelong learning. My Aim is to raise the productivity of the young students keeping in view the ever increasing scenario of computer literacy. I am struggling to navigate the future of the youth by developing their skills in computer technology so that they would be able to meet the challenges of the forecoming era. My students are doing this with a great confidence because I am inculcating computer literacy via dynamic teaching methodology. I believe in Iqbal's saying
ہر فرد ہے ملت کے مقدر کا ستارہ
ہر فرد ہے ملت کے مقدر کا ستارہ

Muhammad Umar